Line Art and Artist Supplies

Last modified by Shop Dad on 2023/01/27 16:59

Line Art

Links to line art which has been provided by their artists with the permission of the shop and are free for non-commercial use.

Shop NameDesignArtistLink
All-Night ToysJerry@ GildedGreedSolid JPG, Trans JPG
All-Night ToysRexxx@ GildedGreedSolid JPG, Trans JPG
All-Night ToysTrotter@ GildedGreedSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Bat Bites ToysSpire@ FootsieRollXXXJPG
Blackfang LabsWairu@ FootsieRollXXXJPG
Built Up BeastsXitass@ GildedGreedJPG
Carnal CompendiumSkyRay@ GildedGreedJPG
Chillow FantasyMollusca@ FootsieRollXXXJPG
Creature Feature ToysCalliope@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Creature Feature ToysCyrus@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Creature Feature ToysKose@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Creature Feature ToysMirage@ GildedGreedSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Death Grip ToysSiren@ GildedGreedJPG
Erotic EffectAearvonErotic EffectJPG
Erotic EffectRaithorErotic EffectJPG
Fantasy GroveAkappa

@ Mopofemu 

Solid JPG, Trans JPG, Trans Side JPG
Fantasy GroveAmarok@ GutterBorneBack JPGFront JPG
Fantasy GroveAvir

@ GutterBorne

JPG, Trans JPG
Fantasy GroveChangling

@ FootsieRollXXX

Solid JPG, Trans Front JPG
Fantasy GroveChonk@ GutterBorneFront JPG, Side JPG
Fantasy GroveEgan@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Fantasy GroveJackalope

@ GutterBorne

Back JPG, Side JPG, Trans Side JPG
Fantasy GroveJacobi

@ GutterBorne

Front JPG, Side JPG, Trans Side JPG
Fantasy GroveKeeta@ GutterBorneJPG
Fantasy GroveSquid

@ Mopofemu

Solid JPG, Trans JPG, Trans Side JPG
Fantasy GroveUtun

@ Mopofemu

Solid JPG, Trans JPG, Trans Side JPG
Foxy MoxyTrident@ GildedGreedSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Frisky LabzMush-E@ GildedGreedJPG
Goblin ShopBones

@ Mopofemu

@ Bonbon

Goblin ShopGoblin@BonbonPNG, Trans PNG
Howling HorrorBalthramawHowling Horror's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Howling HorrorCharybdisHowling Horror's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Howling HorrorCuddlefishHowling Horror's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Howling HorrorJefferyHowling Horror's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Howling HorrorLycaonHowling Horror's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Howling HorrorMeridianHowling Horror's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Howling HorrorSandwormHowling Horror's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Howling HorrorSycoraxHowling Horror's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Kisu and FriendsAurelius@ GildedGreedJPG
Kisu and FriendsCanine Paw Paddle@ MopofemuSolid JPG
Kisu and FriendsDaddy Dog@ GildedGreedSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Kisu and FriendsFeline Paw Paddle@ MopofemuSolid JPG
Kisu and FriendsKisu@ GildedGreedSolid JPGTrans JPG
Kisu and FriendsNico@ GildedGreedSolid JPGTrans JPG
LovesmithsOrk@ GildedGreedJPG
LovesmithsTroll@ GildedGreedJPG
LovesmithsWerewolf Hell's Gate@ GildedGreedJPG
Midnight Menagerie ToysDjinn@ AshesSallowSolid PNG
Midnight Menagerie ToysGolem@ AshesSallowSolid PNG
Midnight Menagerie ToysLoakahn@ AshesSallowSolid PNG
Midnight Menagerie ToysTempest@ AshesSallowSolid PNG
Monster SmashFesterMonster SmashSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Monster SmashFrankieMonster SmashSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Monster SmashKONGMonster SmashJPG
Monster SmashParasiteMonster SmashSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Monster SmashPhantomMonster SmashSolid JPG , Trans JPG
Monster SmashShinMonster SmashSolid JPG , Trans JPG
Monster SmashThe ServantMonster SmashSolid JPG , Trans JPG
Monster SmashUncle GilbertMonster SmashSolid JPG , Trans JPG
Monster SmashWini's BookMonster SmashSolid JPG , Trans JPG
Monster SmashZilla's TailMonster SmashJPG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors AurenPaladin Pleasure Sculptors JPG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors Calypso@ BonbonPNG, Trans PNG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors DragonfruitPaladin Pleasure Sculptors JPG
Paladin Pleasure SculptorsDragon Tail@ BononPNG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors Hydrae@ BonbonPNG, Trans PNG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors JackiePaladin Pleasure Sculptors JPG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors Jupiter

Paladin Pleasure Sculptors 

JPG, Trans JPG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors Kitalpha

Paladin Pleasure Sculptors 

JPG, Trans JPG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors MarsPaladin Pleasure Sculptors JPG
Paladin Pleasure SculptorsNereidPaladin Pleasure SculptorsJPG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors OberonPaladin Pleasure Sculptors, @ BonbonTrans JPG, PNG, Trans PNG
Paladin Pleasure Sculptors Puppercorn@ BonbonJPGTrans JPG
Paladin Pleasure SculptorsSnark

Paladin Pleasure Sculptors

JPG, Trans JPG
Paladin Pleasure SculptorsSnark's MawPaladin Pleasure SculptorsTrans JPG
Paladin Pleasure SculptorsTitanPaladin Pleasure SculptorsJPG
Pleasure ForgeAbolethPleasure ForgeFront JPG, Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeAnkhegPleasure ForgeBack JPG, Front JPG, Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeBone DevilPleasure ForgeFront JPG, Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeCentaurPleasure ForgeFront JPG, Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeDragon EggPleasure ForgeJPG
Pleasure ForgeDrawfPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeFighterPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeGnollPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeHook HorrorPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeKraken RoguePleasure ForgeSide JPG
Pleasure ForgeKraken WizardPleasure ForgeSide1 JPG , Side2 JPG
Pleasure ForgeMerfolkPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeMerlocPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeNaga EggPleasure ForgeJPG
Pleasure ForgeOgrePleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgePsuedodragonPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeRoc EggPleasure ForgeJPG
Pleasure ForgeRocPleasure ForgeBack JPG , Front JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeRoguePleasure ForgeBack JPG , Front JPG, Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeTrollPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Pleasure ForgeWizardPleasure ForgeFront JPG , Side JPG
Strange BedFellasBatou@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Strange BedFellasCeelaMopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
The Prince's CourtBay@ YuriMuzzleJPG
The Prince's CourtKing@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
The Prince's CourtLovel@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
The Prince's CourtMara@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
The Prince's CourtMarrow@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
The Prince's CourtNaiad@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
The Prince's CourtPip@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Velvet AlleyAtim SplitterVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyCoffin PaddleVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyCravenVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyCyanideVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyDoctor EdgarVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyFire In the Hole!Velvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyHeartacheVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyHenry and the PumpkinVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyLegacyVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyNovocaineVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyOtisVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyRevvverend DoomsdayVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyThe Blender StrokerVelvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Velvet AlleyThe Widow Velvet Alley's toy art by FootsieRollXXXJPG
Vulpini DesignsTaro@ GildedGreedJPG
Wandering BardBasilisk@ YuriMuzzleSolid JPG
Wandering BardCentaur@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Wandering BardDirewolf@ MopofemuSolid JPG, Trans JPG
Wandering BardGrick@ YuriMuzzleSolid JPG
Wandering BardMimic@ FootsieRollXXXJPG
Wandering BardMinotaur@ YuriMuzzleSolid JPG

Artist Supplies

Table includes brushes, backgrounds, textures, and other resources for sculpting and drawing adult novelties with permission of their artists and are free for non-commercial use. You MUST contact the artist for any other use.

Supply Type / DescriptionArtistLink

See something missing? Add it by getting the permission of the artist and associated shop and submitting to

Please do not bombard artists and shops with requests to use and upload their art!