Goblin Resources

Last modified by Shop Dad on 2023/08/30 04:05


There are a LOT of resources from a lot of lovely goblins. We have collected some of them for you here.

Who is dropping inventory and when:

Pi^2 drop tracker: Regularly updated list of which shops are dropping inventory next, and when. Maintained by Pi^2

Shops and Shop Info

FewHoneydew's Shop Masterlist: Contains list of shops, what type of products they offer, where they are located. Maintained by FewHoneydew

Kate Vulpe's Firmness Index: Large index of shops and what shore firmness they use along with notes. Maintained by Kate Vulpe's

Amavidi's Resources

Main YouTube Channel: Large channel of interviews with makers and community members, and discussions about silicone and tech

Silicone Firmness: Video guide for understanding silicone firmness

What is Platinum "Grade" Silicone: Video guide to silicone types

Picking 3D Software: Video quick overview of common modeling software

Beginners Guide to Cure Time: Video guide to what impacts cure time

Cure Inhibition: Video quick overview of cure inhibition

Chillow Fantasy's Resources

Mold Shells in Nomad: Video guide for making mold shells with Nomad

DarquePath's Resources

Mold Shells with MeshMixer: Video guide for making mold shells with meshmixer

Trainer Files: Files for four common design types that are ready to work from. If commercial use you must modify the designs AND credit must be given to "the collaborative indie community" in the listing.

Frost's Resources

Guide to Selling Designs: Page for selling/pricing/designing indie toy designs

Gecko's Resources

IP Theft: Thread about IP theft

Shop Sizes: Infographics showing sizes of many indie shops

Buying Indie: Infographics about what to expect when buying indie

Firmness Guide: Infographics about firmness in indie toys

GrumpyAlison's Resources (SomethingSquishyToys)

Pigment and Color Safety: Page discussing what they use and why

FAQ/Drops/Flops: VAST Page for FAQ including what drops and flops are. A useful read to get you thinking

Inclusions: Page for inclusions showing many examples and example info

Prepping models for SLA Printing: Video guide with short overview of how Alison gets models ready to print in ChituBox

Mold Shell Modeling: Modeling a mold shell in Maya. Work flow is applicable to other programs

Mold Shell Rescaling: Scaling a mold shell in Maya. Work flow pain is applicable to other programs

Ben's Resources (NoodleCrafters)

Split Pour Cups: Files for 3D printable cups that have multiple chambers for pouring silicone

Suction Cup Maker: Files for 3D printable parts that put suction cups onto the backs of toys

Main Page for Maker Resources: The main page at NoodleCrafters where Ben posts their resources. Check here for more in-depth descriptions and potential updates

ShopDad's Resources (PleasureForge/OnlyGoblins)

Troubleshooting Masters: Guide includes Do's and Don'ts for Resin Printing, FDM Printing, and Master Finishing

Tips for Goblins with a New Mono X: Guide covers parts of initial 3D printer setup, applicable to many resin printers

Design Help: Guide includes list of known designers, what to expect when hiring a designer, and how to handle it when your design looks too much like another maker's design or is offensive

Packer Project: Files + Guide Covers for beginner project. More in depth how to than Vibe Sleeve Project

Vibe Sleeve Project: Files + Guide Covers beginner project. Assumes some basic knowledge to use

Surface Finish Test Molds: Files for printing test swatches and small molds to dial in your master finishing techniques

Surface Finish Examples: Guide explaining Pros/Cons of some surface finishes

Pin Hole Fit Finder: Files for figuring out what size to make a hole in a 3D print to fit a 5mm pin for mating

Basic Goblin Design: Files for a hollow basic design

Vex: A community design by PupsicleStick

Vaeriya: A community design by Deer_BXBY